Wednesday, December 10, 2008

recession, holiday gift making, etc.

First of all, I haven't posted, because I can't tell most of the people that are reading it what I've been making, so it's been sort of a bummer. But SOON, soon I can tell everyone, and hopefully people will be delighted with their presents.

So, last week, or whenever whomever announced that we are officially in a recession...didn't we know that in March? I remember listening to NPR around my birthday and hearing an economist talk about recessions/depressions and he said we were headed toward a depression. I'm wondering what took so long to announce it. Were we in denial? Not sure; but I do know that it's very difficult to find a job right now and I'm looking forward to the opportunity to apply with Teach For America and hopefully that will work out. I would absolutely love to be a teacher.

I had a First Fridays party last Friday - and we drank wine, ate hummus and talked, and some of us went to the galleries, and some of us didn't (because it was so cold). I didn't go; I hosted the party and wanted to stay and chat. We had great conversations!

Last night I decorated my tree! It's lovely, and it makes me tremendously happy. I'm having my Christmas party Friday night; it's an Italian Potluck. I'm having people bring a pasta, and a separate sauce and we can mix and match and drink wine and egg nog and be merry and all that. Then Saturday, I'm having my Bopp Family Christmas, and I think my Dad, Step-mom and Grandma Bopp are coming to see my place, and then we're going out to Lee's Summit to my Brother's house to have our celebration. It's going to be a blast.

Another important thing: My auntie Janie is coming today! She will be here for a week and I cannot wait! We're going to craft and have fun, and her and my mom and I are just going to relax and talk; they're the most kindred friends, so I'm sure they'll have fun.

I'm an elf; didn't you know? I've been helping people decorate this year. I decorated my parents house; I helped Marvin and Jeanne Kirby decorate their tree and dining room, and I'm helping Liz tomorrow. I can't wait, I love decorating.

It snowed yesterday and took me almost an hour and a half to get to my loft from Lee's Summit yesterday, and I expected it to take an hour to get to work this morning, but alas, the salt trucks were out all night and the roads are clear - which is good because Aunt Janie is flying in today, and Grandma Bopp is driving in from St. Louis Friday.

I better be off to work. I'll write more later. I figured out what I'm going to write my thesis about!....

Collective Joy and the Carnivalesque.


1 comment:

Peach Pit said...

This recession is the lamest. (Obvious, I know, but I thought it could bear repeating.) I'm just glad to be in grad school now, though in 6 months or so, I'll be facing the job market :/