Wednesday, November 19, 2008

flowers and other pretty things.

Chad brought flowers last night - which I LOVE; they're beautiful. We also figured out that his parents and my mom went to high school together. Funny.

Today I woke up, stayed in bed for over an hour researching christmas gift ideas. Chad asked me what I wanted for christmas last night, I'm not sure. I emailed my brother a couple weeks ago a copy and paste from my Amazon wish list and this is what it said:

items that are expensive:
wii/wii fit/wii music
apple time capsule
kindle: amazon's wireless reading device
large shag rug for my living room (or a jute rug)
for my posters to be framed

rowenta iron and ironing board

arrested development seasons 1-3
futurama seasons 1-4
the office seasons 1-4

the homeopathy bible: the definitive guide to remedies
readymade magazine subscription
craft: transforming traditional crafts magazine subscription
the new yorker magazine subscription
mary engelbreits home companion magazine subscription
craft: transforming traditional crafts, vol. 1
craft, volume 2: transforming traditional crafts

I'm really into magazines lately. Also, I really want a Wii Fit, but I think I'm going to be saving up for that myself - it's a rather expensive thing, especially because I'd need a Wii first. hah. yutttttttt7u8 (and that was Maebe walking across the keyboard - she does that quite a bit).

I need to go get my macbook fixed, my handrest cracked and I just don't want to have to leave it at the Apple store for 2 weeks. I don't wanna! I love my computer and I rely on it and spend several hours on it daily: looking for jobs, looking for craft projects, designing stuff, coming up with more ways to spend my time like blog, use facebook, check my email repeatedly, etc. Not to mention I should be writing my thesis (lol). Here's the thing. I can write an "exhibition catalog" for my thesis, but what do I want to write about? I need to figure this out and finish this. I want to finish my thesis my February, graduate by May, and do Teach for America next year.

I may take my macbook by the apple store before work and see how long they think it would take to fix. I just read a blog entry that the guy said he had the same problem and they fixed it in an hour. YAY - maybe I'll be so lucky.

I cut some fabric for christmas gifts for a couple hours this morning, and now I'll shower, go to the Apple store, not be so addicted to the internet, buy some tofu, and work at 5! I work both jobs tomorrow (sbux and pkd) and then Friday I work sbux, and am going to Seussical with Chad (I bet it's going to be wonderfully cheerful).

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